Interdisciplinary Computing Facility

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School of Social Sciences

Social Sciences Computing Facility

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ICF is a partnership between multiple schools and labs at UC San Diego to provide business and research IT services.

Many of our departments work in spaces that weren't considered "computational" in the past.  Their needs have changed significantly.

We span ~25 different departments and programs and about 550 faculty, supporting business and research lab infrastructure and support for everyone from historians to politicians to neuroscientists to actors to elementary school teachers.  Rather than moving all staff into a central location, our IT staff remain as close as possible to the departments they support so they can better understand individual department and faculty needs.

ICF grew out of the Social Sciences Computing Facility, which was originally formed as it became clear that people in these fields had increasingly sophisticated IT needs that were not being properly met by existing campus resources and that it wasn't going to be possible to provide these more complex services through individual department IT groups.

Each school maintains a local IT unit headed by its own support lead.  The infrastructure is managed by the staff from all three schools, with each contributing labor based on the available expertise in that school.  This allows us to provide a breadth of expertise and options that wouldn't be possible for a smaller unit.